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Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!


It's 2010, and with a brand new year comes a brand new blog. As many of you have done, I'm sure, I've made a list of some New Year's Resolutions, and I plan to stick to them. I've made resolutions for years, but I've never really stuck to them. However, in 2009, I made a list, and then I did something to make it concrete so that I could stick to it more easily.

I wrote it down!

I know, what a concept right??? But yeah, I went and made a sparkly, rainbow, Very Gay New Year's Resolution flier, if you will, and I stuck to it! Of the 5 or so resolutions, 4 of them were acheived! Wooo! And again this year, I'm going to do the same thing. Here are my resolutions:

1) Go to and thrive at the Disney College Program at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL.
2) Strive for above average grades in the fall (Don't wanna set the bar too high by saying "Get straight A's." I surely won't do that. haha)
3) Maintain the healthy and happy relationship that I have with my boyfriend.
4) Have regular postings on my blog.
5) Create a photo album for 2009 (and finish the one from 2008!)
6) Maintain a steady workout routine in the hopes of improving my value self-worth through superficial and stereotypical judgments of the gay culture (a.k.a. make my body look supa hot so that when I go to gay clubs, people will want to hit on me!)
7) Play my Wii more; I miss it.

So....yah! There's my list of resolutions for 2010. Not exactly the most inspired work of literature, but I think it gets the job done. I'd love to hear your resolutions! Leave a comment and tell me all about it!

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